
pens, pencils & paintbrushes

I usually have 1 to 2 to 20 random art ideas brewin' in my head at all times. It's usually just a matter of finding the time to get into my design/sewing/art/storage room and see if what's in my head can translate on canvas or paper.

I'd had this pen/pencil/paintbrush art idea for close to a year. I've always loved collage work, repetition, and series art ... and I'm so inspired by people who take the most random object and create an amazing piece of art work. So anyways -– We've always had a large amount of almost-dried up pens, paintbrushes that are beyond help and pencils that just don't get used so I thought they'd be the perfect subject matter. This messy, drippy, multi-colored art was really fun to create and I'm loving the results. :)


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